I've been using a BlackBerry Bold for the four days, and even it's got the Blackberry 6 OS which is dated, I found that it's quite enjoyable to use. The only thing is that bothers me a bit, is that the software is closed source and I'd prefer to use FOSS.
Yet, I'm quite taken with both the software and the hardware. I just find that they work quite well, just with a bit of a lag because of the age of the device. I don't mind it much, since the lag is not that long and I see the device as something that I intend to use just while I save enough to get a new one.
With the experience, with what I've been reading about the new BlackBerry's OS and the Z10 I'm starting to considering them as a serious buy for me. I've enjoying the whole experience with both the software and the hardware, I'm just able to set the phone just as I want it with relative ease.
Now the only two serious contenders I've in mind for my next smartphone is the BlackBerry Z10, and a Nexus device. A distant 3rd would be a Firefox phone, but since I haven't seen one or had a serious experience with it I'm not quite sure about it.
The one thing that would make the BlackBerry 10 and the Z10 the winning combination for me, would be if BlackBerry would make the BlackBerry 10 open source.
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