This article points out the obvious, that Mac OS X isn't more secure that Windows. Or than any Linux distro for that matter.
Most of the safety in Mac OS X and Linux, comes from the fact that they are used by much less people than Windows. As such, most black hat hackers used to bypass Mac OS X and Linux in favor of Windows, since the odds of hitting valuable information, or money, was most likely to be found targeting Windows users.
Yet, with more people moving to Apple's ecosystem it has become more worth while target for black hat hackers. Most Linux users still are relative safe, since most Linux distros aren't worth targeting yet due to their relative shallow user base numbers.
Let's face it, all software has vulnerabilities that can be maliciously exploited. What made OS X different from Windows wasn't it's security, but the audience that it was targeted too. While Windows has been mostly a Jack of all trades, or a gamer's rig, OS X has been mostly been used by people that are more on the creative side of things.
All that is needed for black hat hackers to target an OS is incentive, for some is just it's to prestige while for others is financial gain. And as Apple's products gain market share, it's software will make a bigger target.
Safety doesn't really on the software development, it also relies on how savvy the user is and a certain degree of paranoia.
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