With Bernie's rise, even though he might just not get the Democratic nomination, might spell a change not only in America, but in the world in general.
Since most of Bernie's popularity is among the young people, who are becoming more socially aware and sensitive on social justice, one might ask how much of that awareness comes from being able to share and access information over social media on the Internet rather than on a more restricted media.
I hypnotize that the Internet has enabled socialism to become indirectly, by making people more aware and sensitive to social injustice. The Internet has allowed for people to come closer in a less restrictive, and sometimes with less censure that one could get from more traditional media outlets. As such, a larger amount of people comes to ideas that be dismissed as socialism pipe dreams and see that they are needed, and must be taken, if we want have a fair society and to build a better world.
The Internet, without it being design for it as such, has made the people not only aware of social injustices, but it has given us a tool to bring social justice about by allowing us to organize ourselves in ways that weren't possible before. It has become a platform that helps unite people across the world, in ways that are hard to control from a centralized point and allow different movements to have several ways to organize themselves.
We don't have to think if we can organize, rather we have to think how we can organize. More than ever, change is more a matter of will. If there is the will to fight and bring change about, the way to make things happen will be found by those who want the change to come about.
Most importantly, if you use well all the tools that the Internet has, more than one way to rally people can be used to bring social justice. All of those ways can be used as effectively as they can, to work together for the same goal. Good coordination is key, but the Internet allows this coordination to be possible if the different tools are used correctly.
At the end social justice doesn't mean we all must be the same, or think the same way. Social justice means that we all get a level playing field so live our lives as we see fit, and live our lives as we see fit without harming others. We can work together, while not being the same.
Socialism is about social justice, without taking the individuality of the people who compose said society. As such, how socialism is applied depends on each society to making better for those who live in it. The aim is to balance what's good for the individual and the good for the society. And the Internet is a vital tool to get this balance right.
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