Denuvo, a DRM solution, has proven that it can be defeated. Though the crack was patched a couple of days later, that someone managed to defeat kind of makes a point against DRM as a solution for piracy.
Let's face it, most of the piracy problem has it's roots on people wanting to share what they love with others. We want to share with others the music, videos, and other content with others. With the advent of computers and the internet, doing so legally speaking has become almost impossible, since the companies who provide such content want to have absolute control on how we share that content.
The truth is not the scale, not the fact that the content is shared. While a portion of that sharing is illegal, most of it is just people sharing what they love with others that have the same taste as they do. As such, DRM and other tech that prevent such sharing among peers, comes in the way of people discovering new thing they would be willing to pay for than otherwise they wouldn't come by.
DRM is not the solution, is the part of the problem why so many artist and people like them don't get as much support, recognition, as they deserve. Instead of letting as many people know them, DRM acts as an artificial wall that prevents them to be known by as many people as possible. The ones who get the most out of protecting content with DRM are not the creators, but those who control the gateways to access the content.
What the Internet has come to show is that most people are willing to pay for the content they like, in some way. But first, they need to get to know the content offered and DRM prevents many to get to know it.
My personal favorite, is that I don't really want to pay for a premium account on Spotify, but I'm willing to listen to adds if that means that artist will be receive a cut of the income that comes from those adds. Most people I know think the same, and would only pay a premium for services that gives them that extra they are looking for.
DRM as a model to protect content has proven as useless, people has spoken against it and the time to look for an alternative. People will find a way to share the content they love, and there is little it can be done against it.
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