While the FCC verdict against TP-Link is good news, since it allows users to run the third party firmware of their choice, it also highlights something that worries me. Most often than not, they way rules are set make it easier to close the door to people to do modify their computers and gadgets with the software, or firmware, or their choice.
One extreme case of this locking out from working on what we own for our own purposes, is the plight the farmers being unable to fix their own tractors. Regulation makes it illegal for them to access the software than runs on their tractors on their own, which they should be allowed to do since what they want to do is just fix their tractor so they can actually go to work. Farmers should be able to have their own tractors by any party they want to.
What worries me the most, is that most laws and regulations are placing the interests of corporations over the interest of the people. This leaves the people vulnerable to whatever corporations interests are, which is to make the most profit for themselves and their share holders.
From time to time, the interests of the people and corporations are the same. But, when they aren't it seems that the stage is set to privilege corporations over the interests of the people. This is not acceptable, since laws and regulations should over privilege the greater good rather than the interests of corporations.
It seems that corporations influence and power are getting out of hand. Their quest for profit shouldn't override the freedoms and safety of the people, and the government's job is to make sure that doesn't happen.
The people should have more control over what they own, and corporations should have less power on how we use our things.
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