Since last year, it has become ever easier not to use cash. As time goes by, its becoming easier to pay via credit, or debit, cards, or just make a transfer via your bank's app. Even digital wallets are making it easier to pay without even having your usual cards on you when making a purchase.
To be honest, having to depend on cash as much was something I never thought I would see on my lifetime. Though we are still a long way from becoming a cashless society, big strides are made every day that are bringing it closer every day. The amount of cash I need to have on me has been steadily decreasing with time, and with the pandemic the pace seems to have being picking up.
The things I actually need cash for have been decreasing as time goes by, so much so that I find myself surprised when there is at least no an option for electronic option to pay for something. The only thing I have to use cash that I usually pay for, is adding founds for my prepaid mass transit card. Every thing else, I use electronic payments options.
From the places I eat to payments of services, paying with plastic or electronically is quite easy. Even paying back to friends and family, or helping them out with some money, can be easily via a direct transfer with the mobile app of my back.
As time goes by, I expect to use cash even less. To be honest, it is far more practical for me. Though using the ATM is not really all that hard, I prefer no having to go and find one to be able to get cash. I rather pay everything electronically.
Being able to manage all my finances electronically, has made making all my payments electronically all that easier. As time goes on, I expect to become even easier to manage my finances electonically even more convenient.
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