
Not anyone else's problem...

The more I see how many people prefer inaction when it comes to making things better, I can't help to feel disappointed.

It's specially so, when all they do is whine about how bad things are. But, when it comes the time for them to do something, the answer seems to be that it's some one else's responsibility to fix things. That it's not their fault that all is as it is.

But, at the end it is their fault that things have come to where they are. Doing nothing is just as bad as doing the things wrong.

Not doing the right thing, or not fixing things when it's needed, is what has us where we are now. We don't have to fix everything, or other people problems, but we have to keep tabs with our what we are need to get done for our benefit.


Closer together

It's amazing how current communication technology allows real time calls with several persons, while each one is at a different location.
What's more impressive, is that it not only allows audio but video too. With the right software/hardware combination, video calls can be made to anyone without mattering where in the world they are.

Thus, bringing people together than other otherwise would have difficulty communicating with each other. And if you add that you can add video to the calls that can be made, makes it a lot more gratifying than just listening the person you want to talk to.

From my point of view, this advancement in communication technology is a good thing. Since it helps to keep people in touch with their loved ones a lot easier, and sometimes far cheaper than traditional alternatives, it helps to keep people happier while they make their lives in places far from they are from.

At the end, technology is making easier to keep people in touch with their roots. But at the same time, it also make it easier to get to know people from other cultures than other wise would be almost unthinkable to do so. This gives me hope that soon we could have a better understanding about why and how other people think about.

If used correctly, it can make the world a better place.


Cell phone

I've considering changing my cell phone for an Android one in the near future.

So far, I've considered a Samsung or a Motorola model, but I still haven't made up my mind. The main thing for me is price, since I don't have much money.

Though, I have been thinking about getting a cell phone that I can use with whatever carrier I choose. There was a booth here a Plaza where technology vendors concentrate where they sold several cell phone models that could be used with any carrier, but it closed a couple of mouths ago.

Which is a shame, since they had a couple of models I really like. As a mater of fact, there was a touch screen model that I was actually willing to give a try. Which is odd, since i mostly prefer models with the QWERTY models over touch screen ones.

Now, I have to find where to buy one at Cuernavaca. Or I'll have to go to Mexico City.



There is a big difference between debate and discussion. The main being than in the former one has actually think about what is being argued, and in the latter is just blasting whatever you have to say.

Debate is actually healthy, and is useful to move forward since it's a good tool to compare ideas. Specially since it exposes the strength and weakness of each position being presented, and helps to compare ideas.

It also helps to start to debate to hone our abilities to think critically, since we have to argue our case in a way than it makes sense and highlight the strengths of the view we have. Also, we have to see why the opposing idea, or argument, is lacking.

Another benefit, is that it helps to acquire new outlooks. Specially since it might add new information about any given subject.

It is important to forums where people are free to express their opinions and to freely debate the pros and cons. No one holds the absolute truth, and listening to what other have to say or believe is helpful to create a better and more ample view of our surroundings. And thus, take better choices.


On your own hands

It's sad to see how some people don't take hold of their own life, and keep blaming others for whatever happens.

They don't seem to be capable of being responsible for their what they do, and simple have to place the blame outside themselves. Whatever happens to them cannot be their fault, there are no consequences to their actions.

Whatever happens, it the result of someone else's action, or it was their destiny. In their mind it's inconceivable that what's happening to them, is the end result of all their choices and actions up to that point. The only one they can take responsibility for what's going on in their life, are themselves.

Of course is a lot easier to put the place the blame on someone, or something, else. But, that doesn't make it so. At the end, all of our choices and actions have consequences we'll have to face, whether we like it or not.

The good or bad things that happen to us, are the direct result of what we have done so far. Of course, there are some things that are outside our power, and we have no influence on. But, at the end most of what we face on our daily life is a direct consequence of our own actions.

We can choose if we do what we need to reach our happiness, or let others do it for us. Yet, is our choice.

So, if you let others do the things you ought to be doing and they do it wrong, it's still your fault because you gave them the power to do so. If you don't want that, then do those things yourself.


Live as others say...

What bothers me about how some people think, is that many seem to think that everything is other people responsibility. And when they face the consequences of what they do, or didn't, they are quick to blame others.

It's sad to see how many really seem to believe that someone else should care for them, and solve all their needs. They take no blame for their own actions, and refuse to face the consequences that come from them. There is always an excuse for whatever happened.

The blame lies on the government, alcohol, or society. Never think of that the no one else can make them do anything, the choice to do any action is theirs alone.

By living like this, they are effectively letting other people control how they live. Which is rather annoying, since they want all the rights that the ones who actually take the responsibility of their own life, but want no of the obligations.

At the end, those individuals add nothing of value to society. Or at least no innovation, because they live only to imitate or do whatever they are told to do. They live to do what other people do, never to ask themselves why, or try to make things better.

Most of their actions are not motivated in what they want, or where they want to go. They do things because others do them, or because they are expected to do or say them.

They live the life that people expect from them, not the one they want. But, many not even question if that is the life they want, they just transit. For me, that's hardly a life worth living.

At the end, most people don't even rise their eyes to the sky and marvel. Most are contempt just living the life set before them by others.



It can be frustrating to try to keep a conversation with someone that is not capable to be critical on what is being told.

That kind of persons don't seem to be able to process information on their own, in order to get their own conclusions. It seems that they need someone to tell them what to believe, or think about whatever.

If they don't have someone to guide them on what to think, they are at a loss on what to make out of the world around them. And for the most part, they believe anyone who appears to be right, and looks like he knows. For most of the time, those persons don't seem able to look beyond the surface and into the content of whatever information is given to them.

As a matter of fact, that is what worries me the most about these people. That they are easily made to go in any direction anyone with enough influence over them wants to.

I just find it both, frustrating and scary.



Last Sunday I heard part of the discourse given by AMLO at down town Cuernavaca, and it worries me how many people are willing to believe just about anything.

And what worries me the most, is that most people don't seem to really think what is being told to them. It seems that they accept as a fact whatever is told to them by anyone who has any level of authority or sounds like whatever they want to hear.

Other thing that bugs me, is that many people don't seem to question the bare minimum to try to understand what is being said about any given subject. Most of the time, if it looks good they stay at that level. It seems that appearances are far more important than the content. It seems that no matter how many times they see how good looking thing crumble to the ground because they had no support, they are still willing to keep going to good looking things.

If we want to build long lasting to our problems, we need to look beyond of what it looks good. We need to find the best solutions that actually work, and sometimes it means that we have to think beyond of what we have now.



What happens in our lives is not really good or bad, are just events that happen because of what we choose to do or not.

At the end, things are not good or bad in themselves. Those are just labels we apply to them depending on how we perceive them. And that perception is affected on many things, like what is our mood or what were our expectations.

Yes, things happen for a reason. But the reasons why those things happen, are the consequences of our actions before the event. Nothing happens just because, or as an isolated event.

What affects the outcome of any event, can range from really simple reasons to various degrees of complexity. All depends on how simple, or complex, the event leading to anything is. The amount of people participating, what or when anything is said or done. Most of the time is really hard to measure how complex any given situation is, until later on. And even if you are inside, or outside, can have an effect on how easily one can judge what's going on.

Even your world view has a great weight on how you are going to label any given situation. What for a person can be the best possible outcome, for another can be the worst possible one. Sometimes, the time when it happens can have a great effect on how the same individual judges the outcome.

At the end of the day, events and things are just that. They are not good, bad, great, sad, or any other label that could be applied. Labels are just the glass through which we view them.


Modern wold

The amount of information at our fingertips has grown so much, that now the hardest part is not getting it. Now, the problem is actually filter good from bad information.

Even finding relevant information can be a problem, since the shear volume it can be overwhelming.

To be able to actually find the information you need, or want, requires time to actually look and process a lot of data. One must read, or watch, articles from several sources to be able to compare and verify that the information you are getting is actually useful, and what you are looking it for.

One must have the criteria to be able to discern what information is relevant, and useful, for what are you going to use it. And it's important to get it from as many different sources as possible. This is actually very helpful to create your own opinions and try to get a bigger picture of what is going on.

No one has the whole truth, so getting a sense of why and what is going from several places helps to get a better understanding of our world.

If you get a better understanding of what is going on around you, it'll help you make better decisions. And also, it'll make you a valuable asset for those around you.

Knowledge is power, and is quickly becoming a valuable commodity in our world. So, find an area that interest you, and where you are good at, and acquire as much useful information as you can.


Keeping in touch

I've been paying more attention on what tools I mostly use to communicate with my friends and family.

And I mainly been using Twitter, Facebook, MSN, and SMS to keep in touch with them. Even when I'm on the move, I use this tools on my smart phone to see what my contacts are up to.

It seems that it's much more practical to keep up with how is everyone is doing though this tools. Basically I only place phone calls when it's necessary, or is Twitter or Facebook if the idea is to reach as much people as possible. If I only want to reach one person in particular, I use a SMS or an e-mail.

In a sense, I feel more comfortable communicating through what I'm up to and how I feel this way. In a sense, I feel that interacting with my love ones this way is satisfactory. Specially when meeting in person is not always possible, so this is the next best thing.

Curious about the iPhone user experience.

Even though I'm looking forward to the Android 15  on my Google Pixel 7a , I still see the iPhone  and wonder how would be using it as a...