Smartphones are one area where I'd like to see more OSes to choose from, that can be used by more OEM. Another thing, is that while apps are relatively easy to keep updated, the OS itself is a whole different story if you're on Android. While I prefer Android over iOS, one of the main things I have against Android and in favor of iOS is the ease of keeping the OS updated. Other than that, Android is by far the mobile OS for me. Yet, I'd like to see a wider selection of mobile OSes and apps that would run on your OS of choice easily. The only reason against this is not a technical one, but because companies prefer to have you locked in on their ecosystem. While that is good for them, is bad for the user. While I don't see hundreds of different OSes, there is space for more than Android and iOS. For one thing, more mobile OSes based on Linux would be great. That would help making the point to create a common standard to create apps that run on them, since all...
My point of view on technology and how it affects our life.