It's somewhat ironic that society expects the President to meddle with the Judicial system, but at the same time society asks of him to solve problems that are not in his hands.
What we can ask the President to do, is to let the Judicial branch of government to do it's work without interference from the Executive branch. The procurement of justice is not in the hands of the President, he is only in charged of executing whatever he deems necessary to the betterment of the country.
There is a need to understand that in our political system, each power has certain powers and responsibilities. Therefore, depending on what need is to be meet is to what branch of the government is the one we ought to look at to make things happen in order to find a solution.
We live in a system made in a way that no single person or entity concentrates to much power. So, different powers and responsibilities are vested on different persons or institutions.
And it's on our best interest that the powers if each of the branches that compose our government are kept limited and in check.
If we let a single person, or entity, hold to much power over the others it could lead to a system that works against our best interest. Society should hold the bulk of the power, only delegating to the government those powers that it deems necessary to serve the societies interest the best.
At the end, the government exist to serve society, not the other way around.
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