Sometimes, is rather frustrating to see how the infrastructure projects are handled at Cuernavaca, and Morelos as a whole.
It seems that in one hand, the government isn't capable of explaining itself about how the project being proposed would come about. Most importantly, the whole process is not as transparent and open to the public as it should be. Key information is often hidden, and when it's asked for is denied for the wrong reasons.
The people who handle those projects don't seem to understand that since these are public projects built with public funds, all the information that comes with it needs to be open to the general public. These includes costs, papers about environmental impact, and all relevant documents of the project.
On the part of society, what frustrates me is the fact that instead of making sure that the projects being proposed and build are the one needed are dead set of preventing anything new is being built or enhanced.
What worse, there seems that as some of these groups aren't able to make alternate proposals. Or what would be the ideal, to propose projects that would solve problems that need to be solved.
To be honest, the ideal thing to have would be both society and government proposing and building to prevent problems to happen. Instead to building, or adapting, infrastructure to solve current problems we should be building with an eye on the future.
Needs of life will be always changing, with new technologies and other thins that life brings, our cites our always work in progress.
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