One should always avoid dealing in absolutes. Most things in life are not black or white, but rather a shade of gray.
But often than not, is better to judge things relative to the context on which those things occur. What is appropriate on one situation in one place, might not apply to the same situation in another place.
There are many factor that makes anything that is done acceptable or not. There is only a really few things that are almost universally accepted. Yet, the vast majority of our actions fall in a gray area. Most often or not, there will be someone that finds what you do objectionable and other that agrees with the way you view it.
Instead of lashing out when someone tells you that what you so is not the thing to do, instead of attacking back try to understand where they come from. In many cases, the person who disagrees with your position doesn't have the whole context, or information, on why you act the way you do.
Once they understand why you do, or act, a certain way most people understand and leave you be. The same applies when you see doing something that you might not agree or approve of.
It is important to see the other point of view before passing any judgment. Is also important to bare in mind that no one has to agree with you, and you don't have to agree with what other people believe in.
What we are obliged to do if we want others to respect and tolerate our positions and beliefs, is to do the same to them.
One of the most important things to live in peace, is to respect what other believe in. And to understand that no one thing is absolute, all is relative to the context we are in at each passing moment.
The things that are most important today, may stop being so tomorrow. What is important for me, might not be so for the person next to me.
So, listen to what others have to say before judging.
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