I feel rather frustrated how many companies, and some individuals, seem to look down to community driven projects.
And, for better or for worse, many people seem to buy into idea that if a company isn't behind a given product or service, it can't be trusted or it couldn't be any good.
Yet, I don't buy into that. Community driven projects can be as good, or better, as those driven by companies. But, most people don't seem to be willing to give community a chance, because they are afraid that there is no support if or, when, they run into problems.
This idea is perpetuated by companies, in order to make weary about moving to community driven project. But, finding support is as easy, and sometimes easier, when compared to company driven projects. It's just a matter of a way to contact the support.
As a matter of fact, contacting support on community driven projects is easy. Most often than not, when you reach for help you'll find someone willing to help that has come with your problem. In some respects, is easier to get help from someone who knows how to fix your problem since most people who work on the project are willing to help others.
Almost all mayor community driven projects have multiple ways to get in touch with them, or someone else who could help you out, for support. And most often than not, the help comes in a more helpful manner; mainly because all who actively work on the project have a sense of ownership over it.
Most importantly, the community driven projects don't depend on a single source to give support to the project. And since many people know how the project works, it's easier to find someone to help you when you need it, since the support base is a lot wider.
Also, on community driven projects your feedback is more likely to be taken. You can become an active participant if you decide to do so. And in many cases, you can contribute money, work, or in other way that helps the project grow.
It's a symbiotic relationship between all that work, or use, the project. Collaboration between it's members is one of the fundamental things on any project that comes from the community.
So, if you come across a community project that meets your needs give it a try. You might be up to a pleasant surprised.
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