After using GNOME 3 for three days, I just couldn't take it any more and came back to using Unity as my user interface on Ubuntu 11.10.
Even though I do like GNOME 3 in general terms, I do feel that Unity is better suited to the way I interact with the user interface. I don't only like Unity looks, but also the way it works.
When I started using Unity with the release of Ubuntu 11.04, I did come across several bugs. But, at the end there weren't that important and for the most part those bugs have been ironed out. So, I expect that with the release of Ubuntu 12.04 Unity will be fully mature.
But, this rises something that I really like about Linux in particular, and the FOSS movement in general. What I like is that there is always a choice. If there is something doesn't work for you, or you just don't like it, you can always choose another distro or app that suits you.
Of course one can has the right what one likes or not, yet I don't see the point of calling names for the sake of defending the particular distro, or any other thing you use, if someone points out where that particular person believes things aren't being done the way he things they should be done.
Neither is doing the opposite, just because people don't do what you think is right or most be done.
There must be a healthy discussion of the merits of the actions being taken, yet actions are to be taken in order to move forward. And not everyone has to agree with what is to be done.
Is a matter of balance, and to have the will to move forward to the direction that seems more appropriate according to the goals that have been set for the project.
At the end, that people can exchange and implement new ideas on how things should work it's what makes the FOSS movement a place where innovation is big part of the game.
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