The tactics that many tech companies use to handle to try to stop competitors, and how they lock the devices or software they sell.
It's sad to see that in order to keep successful products from competing with theirs, many companies use patents and copyright law to try to take them out of the market. Instead of coming out with something better and take it to the market for the people to decide what they want to buy for themselves, it has come an almost standard practice to have the courts to decide what options should the people find in the market.
The moment laws set limits to what the people can find on the market place, other than on safety and health grounds, they get in the way of having a healthy market with the options that the people are willing to sustain.
At the end, the market is the one who should have the last word on what is consumed and it's value. Companies and governments have no business doing so, their business is making the choices that should be of the market.
I also dislike the fact that many companies lock the devices they sell in order to prevent the user to tinker with it. As a result, the user loses her or his right to do as he wants with the devices he legally purchases.
If the user chooses to keep his devices as they come or to tinker them to make them work as the user wants to, is the right of the user to do so. Companies should have no say on it one the user pays for the devices, since the devices becomes property of the user.
Companies have no place on saying how I use my device, how I can modify it, and what I can in it or take from it. Much less putting in any piece of software or hardware that monitor the use or changes I make to the device, much less do something to prevent me from making them.
The government role should have users rights on the forefront, and currently it doesn't do it. We need to make sure that both companies and governments understand that the users have the final say on what we buy and use.
Anything else is just plain wrong.
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