It's sad to see that for many people are more willing to accept increasing military budgets or aggressive moves, than to increase the budgets for education, libraries, or places for the integration of the communities we live in.
There should be more emphasis on things that bring people together to share what they want to, or to learn, exchange ideas, and work together on whatever they want to. By enabling people to come together to work together, or to get to know each other, we create the kind of environment that fosters unity and peace. We start to see others as persons, with all that comes along with that viewpoint.
FLOSS can give us a platform to help the communities to get there, since it gives everyone an equal opportunity to reach out and discover what's out there for them.
In a way, it can be the gateway not only to know others on the same community and what's going on within. It also enables the individual to reach out further away, enabling the creation of an even wider viewpoint and pool of knowledge, knowhow and wisdom to dispose of.
FLOSS can be a great enabler to a wider audience, since the point of access to it is significantly lower. Not only that, it supports most of the modern standards and has all the software that most people will ever need.
There is a need to be building bridges between communities and individuals. We don't need walled gardens, we need things to be open and transparent for everyone that wishes to be part of the community.
It's time to stop with the divisions, and bring forth unity.
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