There is a common misconception that if software it's FLOSS, it must be bad, poorly implemented or supported. Which is the case, but that goes for many closed sourced software projects as well.
It all comes down to the people behind the project that develops the software, not the model they work or license the software they code. It's the people that work on the project, and how they manage it, that determine how well done and implemented it is and how well the support for any problem or doubt will be.
There are several examples of great FLOSS projects that show how good can they get are Firefox and LibreOffice. Both are great software to use, are well implemented, and have good support for their users. They aren't perfect, yet they are constantly being worked to make them better.
So before you strike FLOSS out, check what offerings are out there for the need you need to fulfill. You might be surprised to find out that there is something that not only fulfills your needs better, but it's also quite cheaper and easier to used than the closed source counterpart. With the added bonus that FLOSS will give you more freedom and flexibility.
Let's keep in mind quality come from the people working on something, not from the thing itself.
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