There needs to be more pressure by the people to manufactures, so that they stops practices directed to restrict what they install on their computers. Once anyone buys a computer, that person should be able to decide what software will run in it.
Even if the user decides to ditch the software originally installed, and replace it, companies shouldn't have the right to prevent this from happening. To keep the original software or to replace it, is a choice that should be made only by the user. No one else should have say on what the user can run, or not, on any computer he or she owns.
Any attempt to lock down any device to prevent the user to change any software should be forbidden, since the users has the right to change any piece of software including the OS to meet their personal needs. Taking away the ability to do so, is taking away our freedom of choose among several options for the one that works best for us.
Instead of telling us that we aren't competent to know what we need, or that we need protection, information should be made available so we can take informed choices. We need to know, and have access to all the information we need to take the best decisions we can. There is no need to give us protection we didn't ask for, much less to lose our freedoms in order to be taken care of by third parties.
We are the ultimate judge on what to install on our devices, with companies and governments only giving us the products and information needed to take good decisions.
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