There is a lot of people arguing what the future of mobile computing is, mainly arguing that we all will gravitate to tablets or smartphones. All the while, the laptop is being ignored or doomed to be completely replaced.
I disagree, mainly because the choice between the laptop and a tablet is mainly based on what will be the main use for the device. The tablet is mainly a consumption device, while the laptop is where you produce or work with. So, in many ways, for the time being both can coexist rather peacefully and I can see them doing so for quite some time.
The smartphone give us access to a mobile computing, when it's not practical to use a laptop or a tablet. In essence, it's there for those cases when we just need to check for something quickly, or just communicate quickly with others.
At the end, each user will choose the combination of devices that better go with the needs that need to be meet. The correct combination varies, all dependent of what use is intended for the devices and what the person using them needs from the devices. What works for other people, won't necessary will work for you.
There is no golden rule that fits everyone, you got to choose the device that makes you fell comfortable and allows to work at ease. The one that need to feel comfortable using the devices for what you do with them, is you.
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