It's hard to imagine what one can't do on the Internet, but the irony is that people often not know that the Internet as we know it is built on open technologies. If the the Internet wasn't built on those open technologies, it's impact on our world would have been much less important.
Not only that, it has largely been unregulated as whole by third parties. There only have been rules of conduct enforceable on particular sites, or some particularities that affect the owner of the site. Yet, the Internet as a whole has been regulating by itself in a somewhat organic way. Basically, all technologies created for the Internet have been, some more than others, created by consensus in order to be applied by everyone that wants to be part of the Internet.
More importantly, the Internet is the most visible success story for open technologies. The Internet demonstrate that open technologies are viable economically and technically, while being beneficial for a greater number of individuals and for society at large.
We need to fight to keep the technologies used to manage the Internet open, and the processes to create, approved and their use transparent for users and developers alike. Now more than ever, we don't need any part of the Internet to become obscure. Transparency is key to keep the Internet as our common playground.
Not only that, we need to start pushing for other industries start basing their businesses on open technologies. Only by doing so, we can expect a better future for as many people as possible.
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