Great software and hardware by themselves don't mean much, if their counter part isn't as good as the other. Some might argue that having crappy software or hardware interacting with great software and hardware can kill the whole thing.
Software and hardware should be design as a single product, developed parallel to each other as much as possible. When it feels like both where design for each other, the user experience is much more pleasant. Thus, people will continue to use your products and you're more likely to create a loyal community around you.
It's important to keep in mind, that both don't have to be design under the same roof to work together in a great way. It sure helps when both, software and hardware, are design that way, but it doesn't mean that you can't design great software for hardware made by others. Even the other way around is viable, it can be done if there is commitment to make it work that way.
In order to have the best user experience, we need to start demanding software and hardware companies to work together in order to give us the best they can that works together seamlessly. It shouldn't matter what software the user chooses to load on their hardware, it should work as we expect it do from the onset. All should be built on open standards, and those standards need to be agreed upon by all players on a transparent way to the user and industry at large.
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