The power of current microprocessors it's quite impressive, both in their processing capabilities and how small they have become. In many ways, microprocessors are fundamental to our way of life and it seems that they'll become ever more important.
Almost everything we use has a microprocessor in order to function, and most of our communication technology relies on them to what we expect them to do. Many of our devices are gaining more capabilities, allowing to decrease the number of devices we need to have in order to do things in our daily lives.
Not only that, those devices are actually becoming are becoming smaller as time goes by. Mobile phones are among the most obvious beneficiaries of the smaller form factor and addition of capabilities. We can not only use them to make calls, but to take pictures and videos. We even can listen to the radio and to our music on them, doing the things that we would have needed several devices to do. Not to mention, than in some cases those devices weren't exactly mobile at all.
The world current technology has help build was unimaginable a few decades ago, and where it might lead us is equally hard to predict. That's why need to keep an eye so technology is at the service of humanity at large, not at the service of a few.
It is possible, if we view technology as a common good and keep that way. It's in the interest of the majority that all technology is developed in an open way, on open standards. Where we all have access to whatever technology we need to use, while making equally easy to share any modifications we made it to make it work better to the purpose we gave to it.
Technology should be democratized, and put at the reach of everyone to use and modify as needed. Openness and transparent development should be the norm with all technology, and we need to fight to make and keep it like that.
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