The first smartphone OS I came in contact with was Symbian on a Nokia E63, then I used BlackBerry OS on a BlackBerry Bold. I had good user experiences with both, though with the BlackBerry Bold, my carrier tried to force me to a contract to use cellular data.
So, when I came to my first Android device, I was somewhat uncertain about not having a physical keyboard. Other than that, I've had heard only good things about the OS and it runs all the apps I prefer. So, making the jump to Android made a lot of sense for me, since the other viable options are Apple's iPhone running iOS or a Windows Phone, both options that don't resonate with me for philosophical reasons.
I decided to try a MOBO(site in Spanish) device, mainly because they sell vanilla unlocked Android devices. Currently I'm on my 3rd device, a MOBO MB400. I used a MB500 before, which had lasted 6 months, since the battery got busted because of short circuit and it wasn't user replaceable. Other than that, I was quite happy with it. The first MOBO device I had was a MOBO Hyper, an entry level smartphone that was quite good.
Ever since, I've been an Android fan for my mobile OS. While at the time I got my first Android device I was considering getting one with Firefox OS, getting an unlocked Android device really sold Android to me. Though I still miss a physical keyboard, mainly because of nostalgic reasons, Android has won me over because if goes well with my lifestyle.
MOBO has won me over as my favorite smartphone distributor, since it's devices are unlocked. As such, I can use them with the cellular carrier of my liking, and change to another carrier if I choose so without the hassle of having to change my device as well.
While MOBO devices don't come with the latest and greatest Android, they do offer a reasonable modern Android version with some nice hardware. Unless you have some special needs, MOBO has you covered.
The Android/MOBO combination has me covered. The main thing for me, is the freedom of choice the combination gives me; and that it as close it's practical to my views on free software as you can get now.
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