While I'm an Ubuntu user, and fan, I've done some distro hopping. I've used Linux Mint, Fedora, Ubuntu Mate and openSUSE, yet I always come back to Ubuntu.
While at work I use Windows 7, I feel more at home on Ubuntu. Ubuntu just works for me, while is the Linux distro that I personally find most aesthetically pleasing. The two Linux distros I recommend are Ubuntu and Linux Mint, on that order, since they are the ones that work best out of the box.
I know that Ubuntu is not the OS that will be a fit for everyone, that's where the strong point of Linux is. There is a distro that is focused on your needs, so it will allow you to work the way you want.
The best OS for you, is the one that disappears on the background allowing you to focus on the app that you are using at the time. Ubuntu does that for me, it allows me to concentrate on what I'm doing at the time. No matter what I'm doing, I can focus at the task at hand.
The Unity user interface allows me to focus on what I doing at a level where I don't have to think about what the Ubuntu is doing, it just blurs on the background. Cinnamon comes close, but I don't feel as comfortable using it as I do Unity.
I don't believe that Ubuntu is the answer for everyone, but it's a good place to start if you want to use a solid Linux distro. The other one would be Linux Mint, but that depends on your personal preferences.
At the end of the day, is about using an OS that respect your freedoms as an user and fits what you need. So, don't be afraid of doing some distro hopping to find the Linux distro that fits your needs.
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