I find it to be sad the way we expect women and men to behave. For most of it, we hold women and men by different standards.
What I find most sad is that, in most cases those standards shouldn't be different at all. For me the worst part, is when smart persons know that they shouldn't be held by these and yet they act by them.
How can we expect to live in a society in which women and men live in equality, if we don't apply the same rules to both sexes.
Many times I feel that we are making progress, only to feel disappointed when a woman, sometimes a man, have to make a choice not based on what she wants or need, but on her gender.
In most cases, this choices are forced by men to women. But it's far worse when this choice is forced by other women. It seems that women react more violently to the treat by other women, then men react to the same treat.
At times, it seems that women are women's own worse enemy.
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