It's impressive how most technology out there goes almost unnoticed. Thing like computers, mobile phones, HD flat TVs, even cars loaded with computing capabilities that no one though possible a few years ago.
We are so used to have technology in our lives, that we have arrived to the point that we don't really notice it. We expect it to work, and since it mostly does it's notices when it stops doing what it's supposed to do. We like it or not, we have become dependent on technology to get through our daily routines.
Also, we expect it to become even more helpful, and do thing better, with each passing day. We expect, and want, that with every new version of any gadget some new feature to be added. Or at least, it does things better than the last version.
But, the catch is that we don't want out gadgets change much. We want them to be familiar, and not to have to relearn to use it with every new version. And if we need to do things differently, we expect to be able to transition almost seamlessly to the new version. After all, technology is supposed to adapt to us, not the other way around.
I do believe that most tech companies are doing a good job. They are coming with new technologies that are making life easier in a wide range of subjects. Which are good news for all of us, since this will not just make life easier for people. It will help to improve our quality of life.
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