Science, and technology, should always be at service our needs and interests first. The interests of companies should come second, while governments should be limited to manage laws and regulations to make sure that the people are not being limited in a harmful way.
Science gives us a better understanding of what happens around us. With this understanding technology can produce new things that improve our lives in several ways. It also helps protect the things that make our lives, or we need to keep ourselves and what we love healthy. There should be regulations that helps to keep science on a track that helps to have a better understanding of our surroundings, giving us the knowledge to better protect what's needed while improving our lives.
Then, we can apply that knowledge to produce technology can apply to produce the devices needed in each case. Well developed technology should produce as little impact as possible, while giving the best possible results for the intended purpose it was meant for.
We need to educate people to understand that science and technology are not evil, or harmful, in themselves. Nor they are intrinsically good in themselves, all depends on how they are applied.
The issue lies on the people who do the scientific research, and those who develop the technology that use the results from the research. It comes down to the ethics that the people involved have, and they way they apply it.
In many ways, at the end it comes down to the people. Not the tools themselves.
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