
The open source model is about collaboration...

If you need that the open source model not only works on software, but that it can be adapted to other areas go ahead and read this article at Arstechnica.

At the core of the open source model is not sharing for the sake of sharing, but collaboration among people that have a common problem that need to be solved. By allowing collaboration with other people, with whom one normally wouldn't have the chance to do so. Since the network of people working on a common platform on the same problem, the time needed to solve problems and ending with a mature design, is reduced by a wide margin.

By adopting an open source model, the benefits out weight the cons that can be encountered by using it. Most importantly, you can concentrate more on differentiating your product rather than on solving the same design problems others are working on or have been already solved.

With more time to work on the details that you need to work on to give your target market asks of your product, gives you a better chance to be successful by getting to your gaol more efficiently. The open source model gives you a way to tap on the expertise and experience of others, in a way that no other model can.

The best work comes out of collaboration, and people just need the right platform to be able to collaborate in a way allows them to solve the problems that they are facing by working with others that have what they need.

It won't always work as intended, but that is part of doing things. Yet, if the platform is managed in way that actually helps people to work together and collaborate in a way that allows them to get things done, the success ratio should be one that makes it sustainable.


Back to Linux Mint, and liking it...

After having some trouble with Ubuntu not turning off, or suspending, properly on a Gateway NEseries laptop I decided to move on to another Linux distro.

The fist one I decide to give a try, was Kubuntu. I've heard great things of the distro itself, and the KDE Plasma Desktop user interface.

Though I liked the distro, and KDE, I still had the same troubles I did and KDE didn't do much for me as a user. In someways, I didn't feel as comfortable with KDE as I did with Unity and just couldn't get up to speed or get KDE to my linking.

So, I decided to move back to an old known distro. I jumped back to Linux Mint with Cinnamon as the user interface. I'm using 17.1 Rebeca, and I remembered why Linux Mint is, along with Ubuntu, my top pick of Linux distros.

All in all, I found that Cinnamon 2.4.8 to be a lot more mature and stable. As such, I haven't had any of the bugs I used to encounter jumping at me. The best thing, is that the system as a whole so stable that I've come up to speed faster that I thought.

Since I'd been using Unity for about two year before coming back to Cinnamon, that is to be expected. Yet, both user interfaces have become my favorites and I recommend them full heartedly.

The same goes for Ubuntu and Linux Mint, both are rock solid distros. The choice between them would be more of what specific computing needs and personal tastes.


My dislike for Windows just keep getting stronger...

On my personal computer I run Ubuntu, while at work the computer I use a Windows 7 computer. As such, I get to compare the two on the daily basis and know the pros and cons of both systems.

And every day, I wish that the company I work at to dish Windows in favor of a Linux distro. The main reason why the move is highly unlikely is because our operations rely on SAP, which really sucks on the user interface side.

One of the aspects I loathe about Windows, is the systems updates. Most of the time, it adds about extra 5 minutes to the power down since. It's even worse if there are more than 10 updates to install. On Ubuntu, most the updates don't require to turn off the system to reboot to install and with the upcoming 4.0 Linux kernel the main reason from the reboot will be taken away.

I used to like the Windows 7 user interface, but since Ubuntu moved to Unity I just can't stand it. Most importantly, I just find the Windows user interface to be just in the blink of being a shit load of crap and not get me started on the Windows 8 in general.

Most of the GNU/Linux user interfaces are more user friendly, and which one to use comes more to the end user needs. While some users might find that KDE is best from them, others might find in GNOME a better fit. As I said before, Unity is the one for me since it gives me all I want and need to get things done the way I feel most comfortable and productive.

Now that I've the chance to compare Windows with Ubuntu, I'm sure that I want to avoid Windows as much as I can.


Another reason to use open source software...

And yet again, this wired.com article points out the dangers of depending on proprietary software at all. While it may be true that if you use software from some established vendor you have less to worry about having to deal with this problem, the fact that no one can say it will never happen like it happen to the likes of Kodak.

The fact that open source software gives you the possibility to keep the software you depend upon alive, since the users can come together to continue the work on the software from where the original company left. It puts the control of the software on the hands of the users, and its up to the user the degree of involvement on the development of the software it uses.

Its okay to trust companies to develop and maintain the software we depend upon, but that's not a good reason to give them full control of said software. But, the user should always have ultimate control over the software.

There is no way to understate how important that user have that level of control, since in many cases the software they use becomes part of the core of what they do and there could be no substitute readily available to replace if it can't get support for it should the vendor of said software were decide to stop supporting or went out of business. Open software gives users the option to keep using the software they need either by picking up development themselves, using the support by the people who pick up the development or by hiring someone to do so, to name a few options out there.

Open source software has proven itself, with examples like Firefox and Android leading the way on the consumer software side. The idea that open source software is hard to use, and that it can't be as good as proprietary software, is completely bogus and unfounded.

Now more than ever, it's time that users regain control over the software that they use and depend on.


Mobile OS dilemma...

With Ubuntu Touch finally coming to the market, and with it's possible release in Mexico soon, it all puts me in a peculiar situation. By the time I come to replace my smart phone, I might have to choose between continuing using Android or make the jump to Ubuntu.

So far, I've liked Android. There has been some hiccups, there hasn't been one that I haven't been able to fix myself with a little bit of research. None of those problems has taken me more than a couple of hours to fix, so there isn't much to complain about.

The user experience I've had so far, it has been quite good. The only complain, is that the device doesn't have that much memory. As such, that can't be blamed on Android; besides it has enough memory to house the apps that I like and use regularly without any problem. So, if I choose to continue with Android it would be with a device with more memory than the one I currently have.

On the Ubuntu Touch side, I use Ubuntu on my laptop and I love the OS. So, jumping to an Ubuntu Touch powered device makes sense because I'm already familiar, and love, Ubuntu's Unity user interface.

As such, I like the idea that both my laptop and smart phone give me a common user experience. With that, I move more seamlessly among them.

While I like the user interface that comes with Android, I prefer much more the user interface that Unity has. Unity is simply a better fit for my tastes and the way I interact with my devices.

Ubuntu Touch has some room to mature and develop as consumers start putting it through it's paces. The good news for me, since by the time it hits Mexico many of the bugs encountered may have been fixed and the functionality of the OS in general will be enhanced by the users and carries feedback.

As such, if Ubuntu Touch comes to Mexico in time, I'll be having on the tough spot of choosing between to mobile operating systems I love.


There is a need to chance how women are treated...

With the Women's day at hand, there is a lot of things to ponder about how far women have come over the last century and how much there is left to do for women to reach equality with men.

There can't be any question about the fact that women have proven just as men, and can do all men can just as well. We have examples like Marie Curie, Linda B. Buck, Ada Lovelace, Hedy Lamarr, to name a few, who have more than demonstrated that women have as much to offer as men can. They don't need men to patronize them, or to give them any more help that a man needs to contribute to the advancement of science and technology.

Now more than ever, we need to put in place a system that allows women to contribute freely and as true equals to their male counterparts. While there have been improvements, there aren't enough to level the playing field to allow women to work as a peer.

Its offensive that some propose that women need to be given special places, or treated in a different way than men. They need to be given the same chance that men receive, and let the results of their work speak for them. What's needed is to change things so that gender becomes irrelevant when considering how competent is, and let the results of the work have the most weight when it comes to this.

Until we can say that gender has no role on how we judge a person's work quality, we can't say we live in a fair society. What's more, until women can enter the science and technology fields without people being surprised about it we can't say that women have the same chances than men do.

Women belong at science laboratories, and technology development places, just as much as men do. It's up to each women to decide if she wants to follow that road. That's her prerogative to take, and no one can take that from her.


Governments and open source software...

It's quite sad, and unnerving, that governments seem to be so slow to adopting modern technologies to make it's functionalities as streamed lined to make it work more efficiently. With the limited resources governments have, they have to be a lot more conscious on how they use them with the biggest impact.

One of the areas that would help, would be using open source software to build a common platform for the government. Mainly because by using open source software, government wouldn't be tied up to a single provider to maintain the systems they use. They would be able to actually make better use of the resources they got, by actually being free to pick the service provider that gives them the best value for what they expend on their services.

The adoption of open source software by all the government agencies, has the added benefit that all their operations will become more transparent. Not by allowing full access to their data, but on how they work.

Not all the data that the government manages should be made available, since some some of is sensitive enough that being shared would do more harm than good. But, it order to keep them honest, how they operate should be as open and transparent as possible. And the open source software development model is the best way to achieve this end.

Most importantly, by coming to open source software the systems that the government uses wouldn't be at the expense of whatever the vendor that provides the services decides to do with the software it provides. Open source software would give the control over the government agencies, and ultimately to the people that they serve.

At the end, its for our best interest to make sure that governments employ open source at all levels.


There is a GNU/Linux for you...

When it comes to the GNU/Linux distros, and how to choose the one that's right for you, it seems to come down to what you want and need on OS.

There is no single distro that does everything, but there is one that will fit your needs like a glove. The distro that works for some, might not be the distro that would work for you. Because of this, it becomes vital to do some research in order to see what distros are the best fit for you.

If there more than one distro that does what you need, the best thing you can do is to actually try them before you settle for one. Not all distros are created equal, since the communities behind them will develop them with a different set of priorities.

As such, the way they approach things is different from each other. That's why it's important to give a try to the distros that are geared toward the areas you need, in order to find which one is the one that will allow you to work how you feel most comfortable.

This is why I love GNU/Linux, you can choose the distro that fits me the best. And for me, the distro that fits the bill is Ubuntu. The one that fits you might be quite another all together, but we don't need to be on the same distro to reap the benefits of the GNU/Linux community. By using distros based on GNU/Linux, and making people aware that they have a choice on what OS to use, we can give something back to the GNU/Linux community.

As it comes, there is no single right answer. It comes to what questions you are asking, only then you will find the distro that will answer you ask.


The FOSS way...

With time, I've come to become even more sure that free and open-source software(FOSS) is the way to go. Not only that, but some aspects how FOSS is developed could bring enormous benefits to humanity at large if there where replicated in other areas.

One such example is open science, that promotes scientific development could have great positive impact for everyone not only the scientists who work on the research.

Letting people coming together to work openly, and enable them to share their work freely, can help their work have the best possible impact in the widest possible way. Most importantly, since they'll be working in the open it will make it harder to make bad uses anything done this way.

Not all bad use can be prevented, but it will be harder to pull and it would be easier to hold accountable those who act wrongfully.

It's easier to audit things when they are done openly, than when they are done behind closed doors. Most importantly, when you use things that you can actually see how they are made, you don't have to just trust what you are being told. You can actually go, and verify that you are getting what you where promised without encountering road blocks that prevent you from actually knowing the process.

Working on the model that FOSS proposes, enables people work in a way that people naturally tend to do anyway. While there some aspects that can be kept secret, the generalities can be made public so that other can use, study and modify them in a way that's beneficial to all.

As demonstrated time and time again, people will get to the core of how something works and will share that information with others. By allowing them to do that freely, with some reasonable limitations, everyone can benefit from their work.

If we want to really bring people together, and do it for the good of all, we need to give people the proper incentives to do so. The current model only serves to divide, and creates a level of distrust that doesn't benefit anyone on the long run.

Something needs to give, and what must give is the model on which people work.


Back to the OS I call home...

I finally got a new laptop, and since it came with Windows 8.1 I decided to give try first hand. To be honest, it wasn't as bad as I expected from the reviews I've read.

Yet, Windows 8 is not an OS I want to us for several reasons. The main one, is that it's proprietary software and I'm an FLOSS advocate. As such, I avoid using proprietary software as much as possible, and in my case I can use FLOSS on my personal computer.

Also, there is the fact that I simply couldn't stand Windows 8. While it isn't all that bad, it still isn't usable for me. The way the OS is made, makes it hard for me to use the way I want to use it. The whole thing got in the way I do things, and that is not acceptable.

So, as soon I got the time I installed Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn on it. The feeling I got to be back to an OS I love is a real good one, it feels like coming back home after a long trip you didn't want to make but had to make.

I'm happy with my new computer now that I got Ubuntu on it, I got to the place I wanted it to be in a few hours. There where some little bumps on the way, but nothing hard to solve and I got to learn new things along the way. The whole experience has cemented my commitment to FLOSS and Ubuntu as my favorite GNU/Linux distro.

In many ways, I now see better why people who come to know FLOSS with an open mind become so passionate about it. It becomes part of you, and the way you see things.

For me, it even resonates with other aspects of my views on things like politics and community. It's hard not to make such connections, and not changing some of your views along the way.


Big changes seem to coming...

With Microsoft open sourcing its ASP.NET framework, and the fact that a replacement for the Internet Explorer browser called Spartan in the works to be shipped with Windows 10, radical change might be coming faster and deeper than anyone can imagine.

I believe that Microsoft might continue to keep making more of its software open source, yet I don't think that it would open source all of it. Ideally, Microsoft should make the move completely to open source. The move would be greatly beneficial for Microsoft itself, the users of its products, and the open source community.

The idea of having Windows becoming open source, is one that can really makes me happy and gives me some hope that it would make easier for open source software to reach more people. Having Windows as an example of open source, would make a lot to help people to trust open source software in a way they don't do at the moment.

What's more, turning software from proprietary to open source seems to be a path that many companies are taking because the benefits that comes with taking such a step. If the trend continues, it isn't that far fetched that Microsoft would take such a step. Profits aren't something that go against open source, if the software abide by the the free software definition.

Time will say how far, and deep, will Microsoft take those changes.

Curious about the iPhone user experience.

Even though I'm looking forward to the Android 15  on my Google Pixel 7a , I still see the iPhone  and wonder how would be using it as a...