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Open Source...

Open source is something that I really hold close to my ethics system. The core values of sharing knowledge, ways to do things and builds things, in a free and open way is a way to innovate faster and in an easier way. If all can see how something is done, it makes it easier to people actually knowing how to actually do something from the blueprints themselves. This has the added benefit that people can modify according to the needs of the people who are going to use it. Or, people can make modifications that actually make it better and being open they can share those modifications back to the community so that the benefits as a whole. But, since there are more people actually seeing and using the blueprints there is a greater chance that if there are any defects, those can be addressed a lot earlier than they would if it was Closed sourced. Open source gives all the people who actively participate on each project a sense of ownership. This is a good things, since it g...

My Problem With Apple...

Let's keep something clear, I do agree that Apple produces great hardware and software. Most of the products that Apple releases are great in design, and technology. Their products are innovative, and bring new things to the table. Or at least they are a flesh implementation of a technology that's already out there. My problem with Apple is their philosophy. I don't mind that their software is proprietary, though I rather see in being open. And, I don't agree how they managed the hacking of the iPhone. Once I buy a product, I expect to be able to do whatever I want with it, and I don't appreciate a company telling me what I should do with my phone. And I just had to roll my eyes, when many of the features that came from hacking the iOS where later integrated into it. I didn't expect Apple to thank, or acknowledge, those came first from the coders that hacked it. But, why fight so hard to avoid having people to hack your product, just to end up addin...

Net Neutrality and SOPA...

I've been reading about the SOPA act, which aim is to protect the copyright holders from piracy. I agree on the principle that everyone has the right to receive payment for any work that they do, after all it takes time and effort to do so. But, I've a problem with how the SOPA act intends to protect the copyright holders from piracy. The idea that just by accusing someone of piracy brings about the kind of actions SOPA proposes are, for me, disturbing. I believe that the Internet should be an open and even field for the exchange of information and ideas. I do agree on the proponents of Net Neutrality, there shouldn't anyone that can stop the exchange. Having access to information, and being able to exchange your ideas with other people is a fundamental right. And is specially important to bring forth innovation. Sharing ideas, and comparing notes freely, can lead to new ideas. The more people contribute and share ideas, the easier it is to solve proble...

Behaviors matter...

It can be really depressing how many people actually expect that someone else to come to solve their problems, and it that doesn't happen they just moan on how bad things are for them. If more people came to realize that the key to solve most of the problems, if not all, is in their own hands the world would be a different place. Most of the changes needed to solve the problems each person have is within. Of course some problems are harder to solve that other, but there is no problem that can't be solved in one way or another. The only thing that it's needed to fix whatever we want, is the will to find the way to do so. The key to arrive to a solution, resides in being able to pay attention on what is what behaviors are the ones that take us to the outcome that we want to change. All is in what actions are the ones that make things happen the way they do, not the outcomes. By fixing on the outcomes, we don't see the complete picture of what is going on ...

#Occupy movement...

I've been following the several #Occupy movements that have sprung up on several cities around the world. It has make me wondered if such a movement could occur in any of the mayor cities of Mexico, to call for peace and to prompt politicians to take actions in the matters that most interest Mexican society. Yet, I've some doubts that there will be any such movements at any city in Mexico. Most of the people here are not that politically active. There is a view that any one that is politically active is not to be trusted. And, after 70 years in which most people came to expect that no mater what they did or said nothing come happened because our voices just wouldn't be heard. Things have slowly beginning to change, but most of the time when we rally we don't stay at it for long. More are more people are becoming aware that they can do something to change how the system works, but we haven't gotten a critical mass as of yet. We need more people pressurin...


As much as hacking is being depicted as something bad, and that should be avoided at all times, I can't find a reason why people shouldn't be able to hack their own software and hardware. Granted, rules should be put in place to punish those who hack into places, or things, they are not wanted. But, if anyone wants to hack their own computer, mobile phone or software to work in a way they deem they need; they should be able to do it legally. And, if they want to share it with other people they also should be able to do so if they choose to do so. Face it, hacking is not bad in itself. It also brings benefits to the larger community of users. Hacking fosters innovation, and makes good motivator for companies to do things better. Most of the hackers are curious people, who just want to know how something works or who wants to make whatever product they use do something they believe it should be able to do. In some cases, they modify the behaviour, or look, in...

My Ubuntu 11.10 experience so far...

I've been using Ubuntu 11.10 since yesterday that it became available for download, and I'm very pleased with it. The user interface is a lot cleaner, and easier to use. I really like the look of it, in my opinion is a big step forward for Ubuntu and it has cemented it as my favorite Linux distro. I've been using Ubuntu on regular basis since the 10.04 LTS version, though I used for a while the 8.04 LTS before, I've found it to be easy to use and very stable. And since the 10.04 LTS version, I've like the look and feel of the user interface a lot better than the one in Windows and I like it as much as the Mac OS X one. But, with the current Unity shell, I like it even more. I find the design to be clean, and easier to use than the previous ones. You could say that Unity has won me over, and I plan to stick with it. I can't recommend Ubuntu enough if you want to make the jump to Linux, specially if you are new to the world of open source software. ...