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Open standards are the best option for the people's interest...

If we want to keep the Internet, and all computer related technology, free and open for everyone to have equal access to them we need to keep building on free and open standards. If not, we will run into a situation on which whoever has a patent over a standard can have the power to keep people out that at their will. All standards should be open and freely available for everyone to use, even though some of the software using them isn't and people has to pay to use it. But even that software has to make use of those standards, so it can use files created using competing software. There is no valid reason for users to be locked into using a particular software at all, since the use of any software is something that has to be decided by the user itself. Software developers should be competing by giving extra value, not by making users content or files incompatible to use on other platforms. Just because some individuals might make wrong use of open and free standard...

Privacy on the Internet age...

As electronic devices, especially those with Internet connectivity, become ever more ubiquitous there several issues that become ever more important to address. On the user end, privacy is becoming a mayor contention point. User's data private data belongs to him, yet many companies and governments have their eyes on acquiring it for their own purposes. For companies, and some private individuals, user's data is valuable in order to make a profit. They use it to target ads tailored made for particular users using their own data, or they can sell that data to third parties for their use. On the government front, they can use the data to monitor people behavior in order to suppress our freedoms, by cutting communications or entry to particular forums. In some cases, they can use our data  to target particular individuals in order hinder their ability to communicate ideas that the government doesn't want shared. That's why we need to be mindful of what informa...

Free to install what we want...

There needs to be more pressure by the people to manufactures, so that they stops practices directed to restrict what they install on their computers. Once anyone buys a computer, that person should be able to decide what software will run in it. Even if the user decides to ditch the software originally installed, and replace it, companies shouldn't have the right to prevent this from happening. To keep the original software or to replace it, is a choice that should be made only by the user. No one else should have say on what the user can run, or not, on any computer he or she owns. Any attempt to lock down any device to prevent the user to change any software should be forbidden, since the users has the right to change any piece of software including the OS to meet their personal needs. Taking away the ability to do so, is taking away our freedom of choose among several options for the one that works best for us. Instead of telling us that we aren't compete...

Community as an asset...

The value of FLOSS is not reliant on the software itself, part of that value comes from that community that develop and uses the software. Much of the value of a FLOSS project comes from the community that it creates around it, since this community is the main force that moves the project forward and develops it according to what they dim to be the best road. In many ways, any FLOSS project is a reflection of the community around it. The more committed, dynamic and functional the community is, the better the project will be. The strengths and weaknesses of any given project are those of the community that was built around it. The way a project moves, in any way, is a reflection of how the community works together to get things done. The better they work as a team, the software they put forward will be better. The bigger the project is, the more vital it's to have a community that knows how to work as team and contribute what they promised on time and shape. There is n...

FLOSS quality...

There is a common misconception that if software it's FLOSS, it must be bad, poorly implemented or supported. Which is the case, but that goes for many closed sourced software projects as well. It all comes down to the people behind the project that develops the software, not the model they work or license the software they code. It's the people that work on the project, and how they manage it, that determine how well done and implemented it is and how well the support for any problem or doubt will be. There are several examples of great FLOSS projects that show how good can they get are Firefox and LibreOffice. Both are great software to use, are well implemented, and have good support for their users. They aren't perfect, yet they are constantly being worked to make them better. So before you strike FLOSS out, check what offerings are out there for the need you need to fulfill. You might be surprised to find out that there is something that not only fulfills ...

Mobile computing...

There is a lot of people arguing what the future of mobile computing is, mainly arguing that we all will gravitate to tablets or smartphones. All the while, the laptop is being ignored or doomed to be completely replaced. I disagree, mainly because the choice between the laptop and a tablet is mainly based on what will be the main use for the device. The tablet is mainly a consumption device, while the laptop is where you produce or work with. So, in many ways, for the time being both can coexist rather peacefully and I can see them doing so for quite some time. The smartphone give us access to a mobile computing, when it's not practical to use a laptop or a tablet. In essence, it's there for those cases when we just need to check for something quickly, or just communicate quickly with others. At the end, each user will choose the combination of devices that better go with the needs that need to be meet. The correct combination varies, all dependent of what use is ...

BlackBerry 10 and Ubuntu Phone...

I'm becoming interested in BlackBerry 10 mobile OS, along with the BlackBerry Z10, and the Ubuntu Phone OS. So far, they seem like good options on the smartphone arena, even though Ubuntu Phone hasn't yet being paired with a particular handset for users so far. Thus, if I had to pick between the two today BlackBerry would be the clear winner. Yet, personally I would prefer to get an Ubuntu Phone, since it's based on Linux making it FLOSS. Besides, I already use Ubuntu on my laptop, making it a more convenient for me. As it stands, an Android device would be my fist choice followed by an Ubuntu Phone. BlackBerry stands third, ahead from the iPhone, mainly because it's closed source nature. The first and second place could change in time, according on how the Ubuntu Phone project moves along. Which I hope it move along well, and it comes along on the time frame it's promised to come along. If I have to get a new device sooner, I'd get an Android one. ...