For more than a decade, Mexicans have seen their liberties greatly expanded. We know have, and enjoy, much more freedom than for much of the 20th century.
I'm really happy about it, but also distressed about some of the things that have come along with it. For starters, since we have a lot more freedom of speech it seems that the society at large doesn't really know what to do with it; and more often than not abuse this freedom.
Many attack anything that comes against their interest or believes, and much of the time without really understanding, or investigating, what is that they are attacking. And even when proven wrong, or being defeated by what the majority wants, they don't stop the attacks.
Other right that is not used as often as it should be, is to bring our officials to do the will of the people. Or, in some cases, to stop using their posts for personal gains, or to benefit special interests.
What irks me most about this, is that when I point out that the status quo won't change unless we make it change, the answer I most often get is what for.
Many people want a better place to live in, but are not willing to do their part to make it better. It seems that they want somebody else to make the change happen, but the sad part is that this way the change they are craving for won't come.
Or if change comes, it won't be the change they want.
There is a long way to go, and to learn, before the changes that came with the arrival of democracy to fruition. But, we are well on our way.
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