
Open source in education...

One of the places where I'd love to see free and open source software to take off, is on education.

Open source software has the ability to give equal access to all students to the tools and information to receive a better education. Mainly because it gives the teachers a platform on which they can give greater access to the materials and content relevant to the curses they give.

Not only that, teacher would be better able to share between then ideas and materials to use in their respective classes in an easier and more effective way. And, since the cost of the software could be much lower than with closed sourced software it would be practical to have the most up to date versions of the software they use. And thus, granting their students access to the most current information and tools available for them.

This is more crucial than ever, since technology is moving faster than ever. Is important to give students not only with the knowledge they will need to face life with. We also need to give them the ability to adapt to the changes that are occurring faster, and faster.

And having our students learning and using older software because of cost prohibitions, and because the vendors aren't able to bring new technologies to their software, is going to have a negative impact on their chances to be able to coupe with newer technologies later on.

Open source software can be use to help students develop an open mind, and thus to cope better in a world where change is constant.

There should be standards, but this should be open as well. Since no student should be left out of accessing crucial information because he or she doesn't have the money to be able to access the class curriculum.

Open source software and standards, can give all students a level field on which they can develop their own talents and interests. The limits of what they can do, should be set by their own set of abilities.

Let's make open source software and standards the rule on classrooms.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure that education is the only way to build a better world.


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