Today I used a Mac for a while, just for the fun of it. And I must admit that the Mac OS X is third on my favorite OS's, after Ubuntu and Linux Mint.
I do like the looks and usability of the OS, and hardware is really well designed. Yet, I prefer Ubuntu as my day to day OS. Though I must admit I'd like to buy a Mac Pro and install Ubuntu on it, so I could have a really good looking piece of hardware with my favorite OS running on it.
But, what holds me from using an Apple product is the way it wants to control its software and hardware. It feels that Apple wants to take away as much control from the user as it can, so that no one can make the OS like he or she wants to do so.
And that is something that I can't really take. I want to be able to be free to customize my OS as I want to, without any limitations by anyone at all. After all, I own the computer I buy to use.
So, I should be able to customize the software to make it work as I like, or need. Not only that, I should be able to download and/or install any program or application by default. There shouldn't be any need to turn any thing off to be able to do so.
It's sad, because Apple does have a great piece of OS on their hands.
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