I would like to see science research and technology development being something that brings the world together.
Instead of being done in secret, by single individuals, corporations, or countries, they should be conducted in collaboration by anyone interested in the subject. Not only that, it should be done in the open in full view of the world.
The education to be able to conduct science research, or technology development, should be given as a priority at any stage of life. Most importantly, people should graduate from basic education with the ability to at least understand the basis science and how it's applied on the technology we use everyday.
Even if end goal of an individual isn't getting a degree on a science or engineering area in college, they should have a functional understanding of science. The same goes the other way around, every part of the human knowledge important.
In the science and technology areas, it's becoming ever more important not only to give the average people a working knowledge in those areas. It's imperative that what happens on those areas is open to the public in every way possible. People should not only know whats going on, but also should be able to participate if there is a desire to do so.
Science and technology are the foundations of the modern societies, and they also be bringing those societies together.
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