There is a need to make technology more inclusive, not only to be used, but also in its creation, development and adaptation for different needs. If people can't have ample access to technology to do all of these things, no matter how useful or innovative at the beginning, it'll soon be obsolete or irrelevant.
If any technology is made so as much people can do more than just work with it, chances are the technology will reach its full potential. And it's more than likely than that potential is far beyond anyone can foresee. To take technology there, it needs to let everyone in and let them modify it or add to it openly. Closing it to the general public is the best way to ensure a short life for it.
Inclusive technology is the best way to make out present, while at the same time ensuring our future. Technology gives us the best tools to do both, and the best way to do so is to have technology that is work on and developed in an open and transparent manner.
People have a way of making all the technology they need, or use, their own one way or another. So, it's in the best interest of everyone involved to make sure that people can do so from the very moment a technology is available for them to make the best use of it, even if it means its modification. Any limitation, or guidelines, should be ethical at most.
Technology needs people, as much as people needs technology.
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