It's sad to see that technology advances faster on times of war, than it does in times of peace. There is a urgent need to change it so the reverse becomes the norm, so that peace time becomes where science and technology advances faster.
Not only that, we need to have the benefits from new scientific discoveries, and the technologies that develop from them, get to a larger part of society faster.
There must be a way to make peace the norm, by making war at any level undesirable. All conflicts need to be resolved without relying to violence, and people's needs are to be meet as they come.
We need to make it so that conflicts that drive the advancement of science and technology, don't result on violence that ends in bloodshed. Science and technology need to be instruments of peace and understanding, not those of war and violence. If wars and violence are common place, it many ways society at large has failed to do what's needed to keep peace.
Science, and technology, are two of the most important instruments that we have to help keep peace. That's we need to make it so that in peace time it's when their advancement is the greatest and beneficial for society at large.
If we are able to do so, we could be able to turn the world we all want into a reality.
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