As the world becomes smaller thanks to the Internet, and other communication technologies, it allows for a faster exchange of ideas and information directly among the people themselves.
We are becoming less depending on intermediaries to hand us information, or to share with others what we love. In many ways, people are coming together to form communities around their common interests or to share tips how to make whatever they need or want. Modern communications technologies are empowering the people, so that they can do more by themselves or receive the information they need on timely manner.
Now, more than ever before in history, humanity can build a fairer and equal society. A society in which where people can aspire more based on their personal merits, by allowing them to meet the people they need to in order to make their goals come to fruition.
By allowing the world to become smaller, people gets to know more about other cultures and becomes to exposed to new ideas in ways. Not only that, people get to give back to the world their perspective, allowing for a real interaction where one is influenced by what they see while they can influence others at the same time. It's a two way road, where all take something while giving something in return.
We need to keep building so that the Internet keeps being the platform where people can come to meet as equals, and where we all can build a better world for everyone.
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