It's sad to see how curiosity is killed, and replaced with the inability to question the what happens around us. Some just do what they are told, never really thinking about what they are doing and why they are doing it.
Others don't even dare to do even that, they even see any kind of questioning as an act of disloyalty. The idea of an individual thinking by himself, or herself, it's an aberration and something that must be avoided at all costs. There is no higher need than to live a life where they are told what to think and do by those they view as superior to them, they are sheep.
Curiosity is a virtue, one that should be fostered and allowed to grow. There is no age in life where curiosity should be avoided, since it leads us to meet and surpass new challenges.
By doing so, it allows great discoveries that make our lives richer fuller. What's better, the benefits are not only for the individual that followed his curiosity to it's satisfaction. It benefits the community where the individual lives, because the results can be shared with others without losing any of the value they posses. Quite the contrary, sharing those results actually add to the value they already carry by allowing others to use them or to add more to the results.
Humans by nature are curious, and have the need to fulfill that curiosity. Instead of taking it out at young age, we need to hone and sharpen it so it can be a valuable tool for both the individual and society. What we need is to teach how to question all what we see, so we can get to the relevant parts while we leave out all the noise out.
There is no sin in asking, but only a great sadness of not fulfilling ourselves in learning something new.
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