There are some people that don't see the point of having Firefox OS, or Ubuntu for phones, on the marking it to the market. They say that Android and iOS are more than enough, even going to the extent of saying that the Blackberry OS might be doomed to disappear out of irrelevance.
I disagree, I think that there is some room for more OS's. The real question is how many more can make it, and how make sure that all of them are built around a common set of open standards that allow for apps to run on whichever OS the users choose to use them with ease. Let the users be the ones who decide what OS is best for them, and to be free to jump from one to another as the user seems fit for his interests.
Android and iOS aren't likely to lose their dominance on the market, yet that doesn't mean that there isn't room for more OS's which are better suited for some users needs and tastes. Instead of asking if there is a need for a certain new OS, the question that should be asked is who might need or use it.
It isn't over until the market actually gives it's verdict, until then all is pure speculation. In my case, until recently Android was the OS I wanted to power my next smartphone, with Blackberry being a close second. Now, after seeing the first reviews of Firefox OS and Ubuntu for phones reviews Android is no longer the clear winner. Having the ability to choose from three OS's for the one that best suits me, is always a good thing to have.
So, let's stop all the pessimism about the having several OS options for our mobile devices. Let's start make it so users can have different offers at their disposal.
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