
It's a great time to come to Linux...

Microsoft just announced that in two years time the plug will be pulled of Windows XP, one of the best OS I've used.

With the close release date of Windows 8, it seemed that the best road would be waiting a few months to make the jump from XP. But, after reading various reviews of the upcoming OS and knowing the Windows track record of past Microsoft's OS releases, it seems that if you want to upgrade to a modern OS you are better off jumping to a Linux distro.

There are several Linux distros that are easy to use, and that come with all you need to work with on the daily basis. My personal favorites are Ubuntu and Linux Mint, but there are several distros out there that could be a better fit to your personal needs and what you expect of a modern OS.

All of them with a community behind it, that is willing and able to help you with any question or problem that you could face along the way. Yet, most of the time you shouldn't have any problem at all. Most the the hip cups that come along, and let's face it all OS's have some, are easily solved by just a simple search or by asking around.

Not only that, the odds is that you won't have to make a big investment on new hardware in order to make the jump. Your current computer is most likely supported by several distros, and if you decide to buy a new computer it doesn't need to be an expensive one. That's one of the nice things of Linux, it plays nice with low end hardware because it isn't a resource hog.

There is a lot of choices for a Linux distro that fills all your expectations on how your computer should work.

1 comment:

Curious about the iPhone user experience.

Even though I'm looking forward to the Android 15  on my Google Pixel 7a , I still see the iPhone  and wonder how would be using it as a...