One trend that I've seeing when somethings changes to a distro, or when comparing two distros, is that reviews tend to focus too much on the relative strengths or weaknesses of whats on the software.
Bringing attention to the particular strengths and weaknesses in the software isn't bad in itself. What can be prejudicial to the community is how they are treated. Strengths should be pointed out so people that are interested know what are the benefits of that particular distro, app or software. The weaknesses should be pointed out so users know before hand to help them avoid using a something that wont serve their needs, and the coders now where they need to work to improve their software.
Let's face it, all software will have strengths and weakness depending of what are their aims and the particular abilities of the people who creating them. And something that some perceive as a weakness, could be view as one by the people who made the software.
All depends for the purpose for what the software was made for, and the direction the people who made it have for it. You don't have to agree with them, and the creators don't have to please everybody.
Is important that people who come to use Linux have in mind that not all distros are not created equal. Each distro has its particular strengths and weaknesses depending to what objectives they are targeted for. Keep in mind what are your needs, and look for the distro that best suit them.
Often, you'll fine that there are few distros that meet them. That's one of the mayor strengths of the Linux community, that there you can choose the distro that meets your needs, and that you can love to use.
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