It's rather sad to see that big content providers equate people sharing their content to stealing, which is a not the same thing and a big mistake.
By branding people that share content like criminals, many of those content providers are actually alienating people from what they have to offer. When people share content, they are not stealing since they are not claiming what they share as theirs. They just want to let people know about what they like, or news that they feel are relevant.
That's why there should a clear and concise differentiation of what is sharing, and what makes it stealing. Having this guidelines in place, it would be a great place to begin with to protect people from companies that seek to harass them because they shared something with other people. Is important to have those guidelines in place make help protect everyone involved, and to create conscience that is fine to share content.
Most importantly, that sharing content is not the same that stealing it.
It's time to move forward, and create a model on which sharing content is seen as the beneficial act that it is. Sharing actually helps the content creator to make themselves known, and having the change to get their work out there.
Sharing is not a criminal act, is something that comes naturally to all of us. As such, it should be allowed to continue without any restriction.
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