If the open-source values of not only giving people access to the core workings, but also the ability to modify and redistribute, where expanded to all other facets of human experience things would be better.
Since all would have access to the core, solutions to the challenges we face would be a lot easier to get to with if we could modify them to work to the situation we face or want to solve. And if that new building blocks could be distributed too, the benefits of that work would reach a lot more people.
Hiding, or not allowing people, to modify the core of anything is not good in the long run for society at large.
Innovation is a lot easier if we all can access the core and work with it to make it better, or to make it work in different ways to better suit other set of parameters. Time after time a lot of projects have shown that the open-source paradigm has show that it work to foster innovation and as a business model.
If we could apply it to our communities, so that anyone can have access to the core working to work on the problem hand on could have the effect of solving our problems a lot faster.
By having the people who want to tackle the problem working directly on the core of what they are trying to solve, the answer will come a lot sooner. Not only that, we would be given the possibility to modify the workings to be better able to work it out, and then be able to redistribute it without any restriction. It would give everything a lot more transparency.
If we work like that, our problems would be a lot easier to sort out.
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