We all want to share with others what we like, and the Internet has enabled us to do so quite easily. Not only that, it also enables us to connect with people that have same likes and dislikes.
It has really enable people to reach out further to know more about the things we love, and get the latest news about those things we are most interested about. If we find something that we think that people we know might like, or find interesting, sharing it is just a matter of a few clicks.
All of this has been possible because the Internet is free from a centralized control point, and it's built on open standards. And it should remain like that, since it enables all to have access to vast vault of information and shared knowledge.
Restricting people from freely accessing to the information and knowledge on the Internet is something that should be avoided. And people should be able to share it among themselves with no restrictions at all. In order to be able to move forward, this information exchange is vital in order to have new knowledge created.
Not only that, that people can come with come with other view points and ideas helps to have a better understanding of the world we live in. In essence, the Internet helps to bring people together and creates a better world.
The Internet should remain free of any central control, it needs free for all to access it and use to share what they learn with who that person choses to share it with.
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