I've found myself filtering all what I do through the lens of FLOSS, ever since I started using it on daily basis and really immersing on what it stands for.
Users should have full control of what they install on their computers, and no one should be able to tell them what can be done with the software they use on their systems. Once there the users installs anything on their computer, the user should control every aspect of the software.
Anything that takes away control from the user over his system, should be avoided. No other person, or entity, other than the user himself has the final say on what runs on their system. Not only that, the user should be the one deciding how the software runs, and when it runs. After all, the users owns the system he is using.
It's equally important, the user should be able to study the source code if he chooses to do so. The source code should be always be available to users, so that that they can know how it works and what each part of the code does.
And if the user chooses to modify the code to better fit his needs or tastes, he should be free to do so. Also, the ability to share those changes with others is part of the freedom that the users should have, and every step to enable that can be done easily should be set.
At the end of the day, the users are the ones that have the right to know how the software they use works and to modify it to better suit their need if they want to.
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