One of the things that the Apple vs. Samsung made me see, is that many people see the verdict as a defeat to the whole Android ecosystem. The truth is that it isn't, because the case was only against Samsung's implementation of Android.
Android can be modified by each smartphone manufacturer to better fit its needs, and what each carries ask to add to it so it can be offered by them. That's why you Samsung's implementation is different from Sony's or HTC's. Also, you can see different apps on the same model from carrier to carrier.
This is because all want to look different from everyone else, and add whatever each one of them thinks will make a difference for its users.
At the end, Android is the platform that enables manufactures to run a modern and powerful mobile OS. All this while they can modify it in order to differentiate their implementation from other in the market, and also giving user access to apps across a large range of handsets.
It makes the market a lot more diverse. It add value to the OS making it more flexible for both manufactures and users, while also giving a larger choice and freedom.
At the end, Google and the other manufactures remain free to work on Android to make better for all of us. The good thing, is since Android is open source anyone can take it copy of its source code and work on it too.
I hope that with time, there will be a whole community of independent developers working on it to help make Android as good as it can be. For me, that's the true spirit of open source.
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