One of the great things of FLOSS, is that the end users gets a choose from several options what's the best for what they do. On top of that, the users get to customize even more if they think it would better for them by doing so.
At the end of the day, the users are the ones who have the final say on what software to run and how it'll run on their systems. They have the freedom to study and modify the software they use, and share those modifications with others. It creates an ecosystem where all are equal, and people can truly come together to work on what's important to them.
By working like this, the end product becomes greater than the sum of it's parts. People actually have a chance to enter something that brings them together to work on something that can has the potential to be far reaching, and be an agent of change bigger than any of them could be individually.
FLOSS can give everyone a gate to discover about everything and anything there is an interest, as it should be. We all should have free and unrestricted access to knowledge, to use and share with other that what is our passion.
People gives it best when they are allowed to do so freely, and encouraged to share with others. It becomes a way of life if its made the norm from a young age.
By letting people to share knowledge, it becomes easier for them to do things for themselves. They become less dependent on the abilities of others, and are able to contribute back to their communities more valuable things. By give them alternatives that work better for them, that work will be even more valuable to all.
The user should choose what works for him, not being forced to use a solution that doesn't fit his needs.
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