As a geek, and a man, I find it sad that many men in the community don't give women a fair chance or respect them as equals.
Women are as capable with tech as any man is, and should be ranked for their merits. No person should be given a role to play because of their gender, but because of what they want and their abilities.
So, if a girl want to go into the field of math, engineering or science, she should be given all the support to go for it. If she wants to do so, she should have the same opportunities to carve a place for herself as any man has. Personally, many of my role models have been women.
Marie Curie, Kari Byron, and Margaret Thacher are some of the examples of women that have done something that makes a difference in the world. There are hundreds of women that demonstrate that they are just as capable as men are, and sometimes they do it even when they face obstacles set in place by men just to see them fail.
So when anyone say that women are not as capable as men, I don't get mad about it. I just feel sorry for the person who said that, because obviously that person doesn't realize that by belittle women it's only showing his or her ignorance.
I hope someday woman won't have to defend themselves from that kind of persons. Their actions, and accomplishments, should be the ones doing the talking.
At the end of the day, a person is as great as his or her actions not because of the gender.
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