The Internet is a two-edged sword. It can help to keep in touch and share what you want with the people you care about in an instant. Yet, it can also be the source of people actually being a lot more apart from each other, and can enable them to go for days with little or no human interaction.
Yet, as with any tool, all depends on how each individual uses the Internet. Blaming the Internet for whatever each individual chooses to do in his life is short sighted at best, since choices are made in a lot more complexed ways that are influenced by many factors.
The connections that the Internet allows help people reach a lot more people than ever before, and also puts a wealth of information at his disposal. This combinations gives the Internet a importance that is paramount to the interest of the people. Since it allows all to engage their some activities on a very interactive ways, and share what they love with the world almost instantly. Most importantly, it give people more control than ever on how, with who, and when they can access and share all the information they come across they find interesting.
Even though the Internet is a treat to the old model of doing politics and business, it must remain as it is in order for the average person can have access to the knowledge and freedom that being able to communicate, share, and exchange with others freely.
All these can make this world a better place to live in.
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