It's shortsighted to try to pin all worthwhile innovations to a single company in any area of science and technology, when most innovations require the collaboration of whole teams that span more of one company or institute.
There is a need to create the conscience that modern technologies not the work of a single company, and that individuals can be a part of bringing them forward. Not only that, all of the processes that bring any new technology, or innovation, should be open to be revised by third parties to verify that every step was taken to ensure the safety and that it meets the specifications set by the originators.
Technological advancement is a collective endeavor, which requires the work of many people toward a common goal. Not only that, there could be several answers to a single problem that could work depending on the circumstances where those solutions are to be applied.
Regulations need to be placed that allow open collaboration, where all process can be joined by those who are interested in working on a project. Also, there should ways that allow third parties to review the processes that allowed the arrival to a new technology or innovation. There shouldn't be an option to allow anyone to work behind closed door, where there can't be a way to make sure that people won't get what they are offered.
We need technology that runs on open standards, with which any interested party can work without worries about the performance of the standard or if there is a danger of a lawsuit.
A truly open environment, that gives everyone the same tools to work with is beneficial for everyone. It becomes a place where everyone can work toward the their own gaols knowing that their effort will pay of with a product that will work as they intend it to.
At the long run, having an open field for everyone to participate is on the best interest of everyone.
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