The Internet, and other communication technologies, won't bring revolutionary change by themselves. These are just tools, and the contributions they bring are dependent on how people use them.
At the end of the end, people are the ones who make change happen. If they don't act, that change they want won't come at all. What the Internet and other technologies bring to the table, is a way by which people can inform themselves and organize to act to do what they believe it must be done.
People are the ones that must act in order to bring change, and technology is the tool that can help us to make that change a reality. And the Internet, mobile phones, among other technologies, give us a real chance to organize ourselves to bring the change we want. More than ever, people can have the control over how they interact with each other in order do what's needed to make a difference.
Now more than ever people building the society they want is no longer a dream, but something that we can do if we work together to make it a reality.
There is more and more people that are starting to see this, and are starting to speak up against injustice. People are sharing ideas with others on what going around them, or what could be done to make things better.
Yet, the most important thing thing is laking. The key to make the society we want a reality, is to actually go out there and act to make it happen. Until then, things won't change much.
While some governments, and corporations, act when the public puts enough pressure, it isn't enough to bring the change we want. The change has to start with our actions, not with the actions of others. True and lasting change comes from the whole society acting together toward a common goal.
There are good signs that we are getting to a point where society will start doing what it must, but there is still some road to cover before we are there.
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